
Friday, January 28, 2011

Dreaming of Short Term Memory

I am so excited to be a School Psychologist. I went to bed last night dreaming about concepts related to sensory memory, working memory (generally referred to as short-term memory) and executive functioning skills (i.e. the processes within working memory). The funny thing is I woke up with these thoughts still in my head when I slunk out of bed. Excited about this, I started reading an article from my favorite school psychologist's blog and read this...

From Dr. Branstetter's Blog, "Notes from a School Psychologist"
Dr. Bell: Hi Teacher, did you get my note about the IEP tomorrow?
Teacher: The IEP for the LD kid?
DB: Yeah, the LD/ADHD kid we wanted to recommend for RSP instead of SDC.
T: Why RSP?
DB: Because we need the LRE, especially since he bypassed the SST process.
T: Do we need to bring the paperwork for AB3632?
DB: No, we need to SB1895 first.
T: Ok, and are the parents ok with RSP instead of the SDC-LD class?
DB: Yeah, because the SDC we have on site is an SDC-ED not an SDC-LD class.
T: Make sense.

Average reader: ????
Anyone else in the field of special education: Got it. See you at the IEP.

I am excited to get this (and for those of you wondering what in the heck all that was, don't ask me, yet).

I love my field and I am still so far away. - Micah


  1. ha Ha!! hilarious! Okay, because of your Mom's line of work I knew what an IEP is.
    I know about RSP, LD, an ADHD, but you lost me with LRE, SST, SDC, and I won't even attempt the ones with numbers, math just isn't my forte.
