
Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Wanting to Talk

You ever feel like you just need a break to be able to sit down and talk with a good friend for a while?  Lately, I have been thinking about this.  I remember spending hours talking to my cousins like Chelsea, Brianne, Grant, Christina, Shalei or Erin and some of my siblings.  We had the BEST talks!  They would range from, "Why do we like the smell of a rain storm so much?" to "If Heavenly Father is our father, then who is our Heavenly Mother?"  Aren't these interesting questions?  I agree, not everyone would be intrigued, but I can think of a million fun questions that I would love to ask a dear friend or family member and just talk about it.

I love to hear about people's genuine feelings and thoughts about their most interesting and even mundane (this is subjective of course) things unique to them.  It's funny, but Ahnica and I talk a lot about how different we are in this respect.  She is a wonderful, spiritual, loyal and loving wife and mother, but she struggles carrying on conversations with people about whatever.  I, on the other hand, love to talk about whatever with people.  In fact, I feel like the Lord blessed me with a spiritual gift to be able to have sincere interest in others, no matter who they are or what what they talk about.

I know it has been a while since my last post, but I would love to have any or all who happen to read this post to write me a quick note of something they would like to share.  Maybe it's the pseudo-psychologist in me but I get a real high from learning about others.  Love you all, friends and family! (Micah)


  1. I am in Toulouse, France. It is amazing studying in another country. I spent the afternoon with a new friend, Laure Boleat, who is a French student taking Comparative Rights of Publicity with me. It is amazing how two strangers can make a connection and become friends within a few days. We ate hamburgers and fries for lunch, which I do not recommend. When in France, eat French food. The crepes are amazing, but not the hamburgers and fries. Ah well! Apparently, we have the same taste in expensive French perfume. Just wandered into the store, found out the perfume she usually buys was discontinued, but we both discovered a spicy scent called "Tea for Summer."

    Thanks for sharing your blog. It is nice to read your musings on life, and wonderful that you've reached out. I just woke up from a nap when I should've been studying. It is now 10:30 p.m. and I am going to read some more cases about rights of publicity. Yippee!

  2. Thanks for sharing Ahn! I think the French should stick to making French food just like Brazilian’s should stick to making Brazilian food. Tiny French fries, corn and peas on pizza should be banned from their restaurants. There are just some things that don’t go together (in my biased opinion).
    How exciting that you get to meet new people, the study of publicity rights does not sound too intriguing though. I am sure there is something that you could find interesting.
    In honor of your post I started learning some French last night, it’s easier to read then to say. Thanks again for contributing. Au revoir, mon amie!

  3. Definitely explains a lot about you. ;)

    So, lately I've been thinking about how I have always thought that I was meant to do great things in this life. However, I fail to see how my actions of late are going to get me anywhere close to my "destiny" if you will. As I continue to think about this though I realize that I have accomplished more than I give myself credit for. I have a beautiful wife who love me and is a phenomenal mother for my children. We still have our struggles after 10 years of marriage, but who doesn't. I also have two amazing daughters that I adore. I'm not a perfect dad, but I try every day to be a little better for them. I've served a mission and was able to help the Lord touch many lives in Brazil. I strive to magnify my callings and serve in the church. While my career isn't where I would like it to be, I can look back and see how all the jobs I've had have given me an opportunity for growth. I have always tried to leave a place of employment in a better state than how I found it. So, with all this being said, I HAVE done some great things. I guess I don't give myself credit sometimes for where I am. I still feel that there is more for me to do and strive to seek out opportunities to touch people's lives in a positive way. Our potential would be so much more powerful if we could all see it. We lose site of the power we hold to do great things. We all have talents, however big or small they may seem. We can all influence people for good or evil.

    I'm learning how to make wise choices like everyone else. That's what this life is all about.

    Love you Micah.

  4. Well I had an interesting thought last night regarding my dog Pete. It came to me when I was sitting on the toilet. Since it's just the 3 of us (soon to be 4 of us) in our little place we have what is called an open door policy. This makes it possible for more than one person to be in the bathroom at a time to be doing different things to get ready for the day, or night. This also allows Pete to come in and get his butt scratched (which is one of the few things us humans are good for according to him). We don't mind it because it's a good alternative to reading one of those boring reader's digests.
    Anyway, the thought I had was concerning Pete's soul. If he has one or not. Obviously I know he does, being one of God's creations and all, but he's not exactly "intelligent". In fact, he seems quite the opposite. But maybe my perception on his level of intelligence is subjective. So as I was sitting there I watched Pete come through the door beads to come get his free scratch. Now if you don't scratch him he'll sit patiently at your feet looking into your eyes. This is where it kind of hit me. I really tried to look back into his to see if I could make out any kind of activity going on past those big, bulbous, eyeballs.
    After talking with Ericka about it I came to the conclusion that I wasn't really wondering if he had a soul or not. Rather, I was amazed that this fugly little animal that could almost pass for a rodent could seem as though he knew who his family/pack was. The way he doesn't usually wander to far off from us at the dog park, how he will join someone in a chorus of "Don't stop believing" by Jouney, the way he plants his toosh right on your foot instead of finding a piece of ground to sit on, and mostly the way he looks right into the eyes of people for whatever reason (he wants food, he wants to be scratched, he wants to play, he needs to pee/poo, he wants to sit on the furniture with you). I think there really is something in there.

    Love ya Micah. It was good to see you and the wif and kids. I can't wait to see you again soon.


  5. @Bo- to sum up what I learned from your comment: a healthy perspective helps us see the value in our life experiences no matter how great or small. Thanks for your thoughts.

    @Shane- I love Pete, I am glad you wrote about him. He definitely has a soul and is a part of the family. He is the only dog ahnica and could say we truly love, fugliness and all :).

  6. I just went out on a date with a guy who describes himself as an "exceptionally happy" person. He says it all started for him when he began keeping a Gratitude Journal. He also talked about the theory of appreciative inquiry. I want to read more about this, but what I understand is that it is about asking the right questions- ones that will get you where you want to go. We talked about the power of gratitude and how a happy person's mind creates options, and, as a result, successes. I am looking forward to going out with him again when I get back to town. I also want to start my own Gratitude Journal.
    Another thought... My roommate was sharing with me about something her Stake President said while visiting her ward recently. He said that Satan was working hard to attack singles because he wanted to destroy families before they could be started. I really had never thought of it that way before, but it makes sense. A lot.

  7. I'll tell you about today. Today, I found myself tearing up. All four of us were about to get in the car to go shopping for some household items. Caleb and Alex got in the car first. Jakey toddled a little after I got his shoes on. He is only 15 months but he too raced to the car, climbed and got in. I stepped back, and took in the scene before me. There were a lot of giggles, the weather was perfect, and I was happy; very, very, happy. I remember Caleb's words to me a long time ago, about always wanting to see me happy because he loved my laughter. Today, I teared up because I couldn't contain how happy, grateful, and utterly blessed I am. To love and be loved, is simply divine.

  8. Micah, you are so right on the ball here! This is simply perfect! I love this - reading your post, and then everyone else's comments, makes me feel like I'm 12 again staying up all night with my cousins, having our wonderful talks! Isn't family wonderful? It is! It's amazing to me that I get to know you guys - because we happen to be cousins. I mean - spread out all over the U.S. right now, we'd be complete strangers if it weren't for spending a few short (but wonderful) memories together as children. And yet because of that we are amazingly close, I read these things from you all and it's like I feel the eternal perspective (actually feel it instead of just see it) of us all being brothers and sisters in spirit. It's the same feeling I get spending late nights at Bo and Laura's house talking about stuff like this. I'm not sure if they filled you in Micah, but we refer to Laura as Dr. Laura because she seems to have a bit of that pseudo-psychologist in her, and when we go to their house we usually end up spilling our guts to her (and Bo of course:) and crying all night. Family - it's simply amazing - just as Palmyra said - and she said it quite perfectly! So when I try to think of some kind of random thought to talk about right now, nothing comes to mind - however, if I may, I'd like to make a comment on a few of the above thoughts. Bo - you're exactly right, you are doing great things in this life, seeing you and Laura and your sweet Naiya and dear Malea (sp?), I am absolutely blown away by you and the power your little family posseses. You're all so amazing and beautiful - with great goodness in your hearts, and very great potential as well. It's truly an honor to know you. Shane, this is the first I have heard from you in a long time, I have no idea if you have a blog or not because I only look at blogs myself every 6 or so months, but next time I do, I want to read yours, 'cause you've still got that super amazing sense of humor you've always had!!! And I really want to meet Pete! Azure - I see you as one of the happiest and most grateful people I know. You're always positive and kind about everyone and every situation. I think it's an excellent idea to start a gratitude journal - I think I will too! And Palmyra - I'm not sure if I've met you more than twice - or was it just the once? But I feel like you fit in my heart just as perfectly and snugly as the rest of my (blood)cousins! You're spirit radiates across the land way over here to Utah, and my goodness, it's a pleasure to know you and to be part of your family! You definitely are loved, and by more people than you will ever know - I'm absolutely sure about that! Micah - thanks for being interested in other people, that is a gift - definitely a gift from Heavenly Father. In this busy time most people (myself included unfortunately) rarely take the time to look outside of their own little environment to even acknowledge others, let alone care about them and be interested in them. That's a beautiful quality and an awesome gift, and I'm very happy you have it!

  9. @BriAnne - I am so jealous you get to talk to Bo and Laura whenever you need a "session". I miss my late night talks with my siblings and/or cousins about whatever was bothering me. When you leave home it's not the same, spouses and roommates are wonderful, but it's different. They don't KNOW you like your siblings and cousins when you were saying stuff like "Don't kiss me my love." ...weird, and yet it's that stuff that makes us all unique and so much fun (and funny). Well, take advantage of your time near them, I look forward to some day being close enough to my siblings and cousins to have these experiences again (hopefully not in the hearafter ;) ). Love you Bran Flake.

    @Az- the Gratitude Journal and Gratitude Journal guy sound fun and like a good opportunity for some real neat experiences. Thanks for sharing, I need to start journalling period. Keep on fighting, as long as your goal is His you will be blessed and there will be some awesome sibling and cousin approved (although not that our opinion matters as much as yours) guy out there for you. I have definitely been thinking about the Satan's tactics he has been using recently to inhibit singles from their next mission. While I know your role is to be righteous and listen to the Spirit, it is the guys role, in addition, to seek out women like you. Be patient and faithful, He loves you a ton. I love you a ton;)

    @Palmyra- thanks for your thoughts after I read them I took some time to look into my kids and wife's eyes and study how awesome they are. I'd have agree with BriAnne, you definitely fit into the family. We love you. I wish we could be closer, I know "just move", well, it's not time yet :)

  10. Awww, thanks BriAnne and Micah that's sooo sweet!!
