This is a family, personal and somewhat informational blog. We hope you enjoy learning about our family and some of our quirky insights!
Thursday, October 27, 2011
The Truth About What is Old-Fashioned
I find it interesting that there are many substitutes in life that we let pass for the 'real thing', even when we know they are not good for us. I have been thinking a lot recently about the affects of mainstream video games, movies, TV shows, news and the internet on our society. I recently reviewed an article on the effects of violent video games on violent tendencies, aggression and our tolerance thresholds. It has been well document that the more one engages in violent video gaming the more one becomes violent/aggressive and/or tolerant of such behavior. Why is it then that we allow this type of entertainment to substitute for the 'real thing', especially when we know it is bad for us? We like it. Sure enough. It's an easy get-a-way. Ya, I can see that. We are not actually hurting anyone. No, sorry I don't buy it.
When we engage in something that promotes actions and feelings that we do not personally espouse (yet) we will become more and more comfortable with that action or thought. The more comfortable we are with it, the more it becomes who we are. Ever wonder why divorce and infidelity are so rampant? I do, all the time. I have seen close friends and relatives deal with the unfortunate events that occur after their spouse has confessed their infidelity and deemed it as "I never loved you". That is silly. Our society has shoved this chocolate covered cupcake of marriage in our face, saying: It will never be hard, your spouse will look the same way she/he did when you married them 50 years later, you don't have to work together to stay in love, marriage without trust, forgiveness and kindness is okay.... I could go on, but I don't want this to make your ears bleed with these false truths.
Marriage, the wholesome, fulfilling, life enhancing kind is worth it. All the other stuff we hear about is polyunsaturated fats and empty carbs. It is my plea with all my family and friends to consider asking hard questions about yourself and your relationship with your spouse. Some examples (please add your own as necessary): Am I completely faithful to my spouse? Do I serve him/her without expecting anything in return? Have I talked to them (really) about their challenges and joys lately? When we married what was it I loved about them? How can I rekindle the 'love' we felt when we dated.
Look, let's face it, I know it is hard to stay 'in love' with your spouse. You have to work at it, think about someone else other than yourself, and be patient. To those who have met with the face of divorce (the effects a spouse who ate too many chocolate covered marriage ideas) I mourn with you. I fear there are many who end up in divorce due to one person's inability to accept their own faults and try to escape the tedious road to recovery. Please consider all the 'real' qualities that add depth to our life and soul: trust, obedience, faith, love, charity, kindness. If these are not a part of your regular diet, eat up.
Tuesday, July 5, 2011
Wanting to Talk
I love to hear about people's genuine feelings and thoughts about their most interesting and even mundane (this is subjective of course) things unique to them. It's funny, but Ahnica and I talk a lot about how different we are in this respect. She is a wonderful, spiritual, loyal and loving wife and mother, but she struggles carrying on conversations with people about whatever. I, on the other hand, love to talk about whatever with people. In fact, I feel like the Lord blessed me with a spiritual gift to be able to have sincere interest in others, no matter who they are or what what they talk about.
I know it has been a while since my last post, but I would love to have any or all who happen to read this post to write me a quick note of something they would like to share. Maybe it's the pseudo-psychologist in me but I get a real high from learning about others. Love you all, friends and family! (Micah)
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
Why Good Habits?

Forming (and firming) good habits creates safety nets for our thoughts and actions. Good habits can also be thought of as the pegs on a tie rack where thoughts and actions can hang out without fear of becoming side tracked and deviating from the desired course (or goal). Take for example the habit of daily scripture reading at a specific time, say in the early morning, and duration, approximately 15 minutes. You know that time is set apart from the rest of the day to be your spiritual "holding place" where you can look forward to inspiration from the Lord. When you shirk this habit you no longer have the opportunity to be blessed by the Lord during that time. In addition, you may substitute non-beneficial actions (i.e. sleeping in) which in turn produce negative consequences (you are late to work and could get fired). Wow! all that because you fail to follow a good habit you established. The neat thing is that they are OUR habits no one else sets them for us, therefore we are in complete control of them.
Another important aspect of good habits is "how" you think of them... At times they may feel restrictive but as you grow the habits (substitute rules, regulations or commandments) offer a growth inducing, fertile ground for future improvements to your character.
Consider also how our good habits are geared to fit individual differences (weaknesses). Like the recovering alcoholic who will NOT drive down the road that he once used to frequent to get beer. This would not be a habit that anyone else in the world would need to have. Or the young woman who consistently says, "No" when her friends ask her to go to a movie she knows does not fit her standards. Not everyone's friends will offer this challenge. We each have the specific decisions to make and habits to form that will help keep us on the path to a virtuous and meaningful life. How we get there is entirely different.
For me the benefits of consistent daily scripture study provide me with a myriad of wonderful inspirations throughout the day. I love that good habits open the door to growth. Look at your own life and consider trying new good habits. You will be amazed at what you learn and how you are able to strengthen the areas you once thought impossible to improve on.
I know your good habits are your own, but I thought I would give you a few of ours and maybe they will help. Love you all!
Some good personal habits:
- A designated time, duration and place for studying school work, house work, playtime (research shows 45 minute increments are good). It definitely helps me focus when I know what the "end" looks like.
Some good family habits:
- Singing 2 songs for the kids at night (they choose).
- Reading 2 books (Scriptures and Kid chosen book) to the kids each night.
- Designated time for family to be together (i.e. Hamley Fome Evening)
- Practice manners at the table (this is still a struggle). Still can't keep Eden from using her fingers, some day...
- Taking your own dishes to sink.
Habits that are good for all:
- Treating others with respect and kindness, always.
- Integrity/Honesty.
- Hope, you pick what in (world peace, joy in your life, close relationship with Heavenly Father). Hoping is different than wishing. When you hope you have to believe in what is hoped for to the point that affects your thoughts, words and deeds.
- Having faith in the Savior which leads to action that changes hearts (mostly your own) and moves the mountains in your life (overcoming addiction, becoming an expert scriptorian, leading others to faith).
Please comment with some "good habits" of your own, I'd love to hear them.
Friday, February 11, 2011
Successful Learning Habits = Successful Marriage

Friday, January 28, 2011
Dreaming of Short Term Memory
Dr. Bell: Hi Teacher, did you get my note about the IEP tomorrow?Teacher: The IEP for the LD kid?DB: Yeah, the LD/ADHD kid we wanted to recommend for RSP instead of SDC.T: Why RSP?DB: Because we need the LRE, especially since he bypassed the SST process.T: Do we need to bring the paperwork for AB3632?DB: No, we need to SB1895 first.T: Ok, and are the parents ok with RSP instead of the SDC-LD class?DB: Yeah, because the SDC we have on site is an SDC-ED not an SDC-LD class.T: Make sense.Average reader: ????Anyone else in the field of special education: Got it. See you at the IEP.
Wednesday, January 12, 2011
Why Get A Dog When You Have Kids?

It is the family set up that couples with no kids and old kids prefer. It's the in between group that I don't get, you got it, my friends WITH kids and animals. Don't get me wrong, I love animals (except the ones that growl/hiss at me for no reason or ignore me for the same reason). As an aside, I know all about the "don't show them you fear them" and "let them sniff you" routine. I do that and for the most part they like me, but I don't get the ever-angry or ever-annoyed animals, whatever. Mixing animals and little kids together are not a good mix and I mean no offense to my brother Caleb and his sweet wife, Palmyra.
So, why do I bring this up? Well, I have been thinking about reasons why I don't have any animals (and let's just remove what you are already thinking, "It's because you don't like animals."). Au contraire, I love them, but they have a time, place and season in my life. If I don't have the time, place or season right, then it's a no-go.
So, here is a list that I have come up with to help me rationalize why I don't have animals BECAUSE they are my kids:
- When my oldest was two I found her face immersed in the doggy water dish at Gma and Gpa Jeanne and Michael's.
- Likewise, this same daughter is constantly found with her face in her 'human' dish licking and lapping the remains of her meal. And, inevitably she gets food on her, I don't know how.
- They bark, growl, bite and unfortunately leave little 'surprises' on the floor ("pssss", "bleah", *concentrated look...* "ahhhh").
- They wake you up at all hours of the night when they are sick, scared, hot/cold or if they need to go potty.
- When you get a new one you take more pictures of them instead of everyone else and inevitably you miss capturing events in your life because you have a bunch of pictures of their face instead of what you were doing say at Christmas.
- They are the joy in my life and I would do anything for them.
So, there you have it, I will NOT get a dog/cat/animal until my kids can take care of themselves or are out of the house. There it is in writing and I'm not going back. I love you kids, but don't ask for a pet unless you want to move out.
*I have included some pictures, for fun, of my kids and their animal counterparts.
P.S. Case in point, listen to the beginning of the video below as I talk to Eden and Wyatt (it's short and quiet, but you'll get the point).
Wednesday, January 5, 2011
Grapefruit - Yum!

Back again to my original topic, grapefruit. So I improvise and change my grapefruit eating habits; instead of scooping the fruit out with the spoon, leaving behind all of the yummy pulp and and hard to squish out juices, I open it like an orange and de-skin the fruit. It is amazing this way! Here is a picture (left), maybe later I will show you how I do it, step by step, so it doesn't make a huge mess (oooo! Try to contain your excitement, please.). Happy eating!
Tuesday, January 4, 2011
Bubble Boy